Pick your own strawberries at Cameron Highlands Strawberry Farms
One of the highlights while exploring Cameron Highlands is strawberry farms. To take us to Cameron Highlands for a day, we have hired a private driver from our hotel. The driver was on time to pick us up, and we shared our planned route with him.
We embarked on a long-awaited adventure to Cameron Highlands and my excitement was palpable. Ever since I went there over ten years ago, I have remembered lush landscapes and misty hills.
Leaving behind the town of Ipoh, the road to Cameron Highlands wound its way through picturesque valleys. I came prepared and took motion sickness pills just in case I felt nausea. As we ascended higher, the temperature did not exactly drop much. The sun was still scorching, despite the air becoming more refreshing.
Cameron Highlands is known for its strawberry farms as these farms lined along the winding roads towards the peak. However, I wanted to avoid the weekend crowds, so I let the driver decide which strawberry farm to take us to. I felt that the locals will always know which place would be best.
Strawberry Farms
Soon after, we arrived at a much-anticipated strawberry farm, located somewhere along the winding road. The farm looked small and I didn’t see any crowds, but that was good news.
Upon entering the farm, the staff greeted us and provided us with a basket to collect the strawberries. I was excited to experience firsthand the joy of picking fresh strawberries once again. We went through the neatly arranged rows of potted strawberries as bees occasionally irritated us.
The strawberries were more abundant than I had expected due to the lack of crowd. I soon found myself carefully plucking the reddest and ripest ones with a pair of scissors. I could smell their sweet scent wafted through the air as I picked them.
After over half an hour of berry picking, my basket was brimming with an assortment of strawberries. Most of them were medium to large in size, red and plump. Finally, we made our way back to the farm’s little shop. The staff weighed the total strawberries we picked, and it total to 800g! We unknowingly picked more than expected due to the joy of picking.
This strawberry farm which we visited was considered small and off the radar as compared to others. Bigger farms might even own a cafe offering strawberry dishes and retail strawberry jams made in house. Nevertheless, the experience was delightful and memorable as I got to harvest strawberries firsthand.
Our next stop would be the must-visit Lavender Farm! Do check out my posts for more travel reviews!