National Gallery Singapore open its doors on the 24th of November with a bang, welcoming the public whom eagerly waited for that day to arrive. Upon hearing […]
Arachnid Orchestra and Sketching Workshop at Gillman Barracks
I attended another workshop and exhibition at Gillman Barracks the other day. Unlike the previous workshop which focuses on acrylic painting, this time was on basic sketching. […]
ARNDT Tour and Acrylic Painting Workshop at Gillman Barracks
the cosmos is discos lust, 2015 Acrylic on French linen, 180 × 480 cm (overall) The sun must be desperately trying to melt me as I made my way to […]
Noise Exhibition X The Future of Us Exhibition
Everyone’s interest do change as we advance in age. Noise Exhibition. Mine did as I got more interested in arts. Not surprising since I studied design during my polytechnic days. […]
Here And Now (在这里) by Wu Qiong (Ode To Art)
I wasn’t expecting to be star struck that day since the event I was attending was a gallery exhibition. The exhibit titled ‘Here & Now’ showcased a series of paintings as well as sculptures […]
IMPRESSIONS (墨韵) by Lim Tze Peng Exhibition (Ode To Art)
I had the privilege to meet a local renowned artist Lim Tze Peng who celebrated his 95th birthday with IMPRESSIONS (墨韵)! It was a grand showcase of his 95 masterpieces […]
Kris By Mence – Celebrity spokesperson is The Flying Dutchman!
I made my way up Robinson Point feeling slightly anxious as it was my first time attending a beauty related event. I was expecting to see other male bloggers around since […]
Pulau Pangkor Malaysia 090514 – 110514
Hi! Finally a breakthrough as I have decided to blog about my short get-away trip to Pulau Pangkor Malaysia (090514 – 110514)! More pictures of my camwhore instead […]