Part 3 of my IDS journey featuring Aerolase Laser Treatment
I am back again at IDS and this time it is to undergo IDS Aerolase Laser Treatment. Do check out my Part 2 journey post where I had previously reviewed IDS Aesthetics Hydro-Therapeutics Treatment!
We would often ask questions before undergoing a facial/laser treatment and I did the same. Aerolase Laser is like a multipurpose treatment where it helps treat many skin conditions. Such conditions include acne, acne Scarring, lax skin, fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, etc. It is basically safe for all skin types and tones.
Numbing cream wasn’t required since there was barely any pain felt. The only thing I felt was warm heat as the treatment device touched my face. It allows energy pulses to penetrate into my skin to reduce sebum production, destroy energy causing bacteria and suppress inflammation. Not only that, the treatment assist in building up collagen and reduce appearance of acne scars. In less than 10 mins and the procedure is done.
Lastly, there was no downtime at all from this treatment, not even any redness could be detected. It would be quite convenient for people whom are afraid of having up to week’s downtime which other treatment does.
I also did the Electro Cautery procedure during my visit that day. It is a procedure which uses current to remove unsightly bumps, skin tags, cysts, etc. Since I did that procedure before, I knew the pain was manageable and just slight burning smell emitted from my facial hair. Scabs would form which would drop off within a week.
Thank you for replenishing my daily skin care products too! For more details of IDS treatments, check out their website here.